What To Do Instead Of Stock Piling Toilet Roll & Food (during a crisis)

If you are in the midst of a national or global health emergency/pandemic or any other type of crisis then here is some practical advice on things you can do to make your life much better and productive…

INSTEAD of living in fear of what will happen next and stockpiling on toilet roll and food like a mindless moron..

You’ll also learn why you don’t need to worry so much about food and pooping and what you should do instead to get lean, healthy and sexy again plus become extremely valuable to society…

How To Get Over A Weight Loss Plateau

Are you finding it difficult to lose anymore fat?

It’s a common problem that most people face on their fat loss journey… everything might start off well and you are seeing the weight come off and then it seems to slow down..

Maybe eventually it grinds to a complete halt and seems no matter what you do you are unable to get any more fat off

If that is happening to you then here is the solution..

Will The Ketogenic Diet Make You Lean & Healthy?

If you are following the ketogenic diet or wondering if it can help you get leaner then this blog post will be very revealing…

If you are following this diet program and are still eating several times per day (high eating frequency) then you should stop doing that right away until you’ve watched this video

The ketogenic diet does have several uses but most people who are following it are doing it completely wrong which is why they are still fat

Learn how to use this diet correctly to reach your goals…

What To Do If The Fat Is Just Not Coming Off!!

Are you trying to lose body fat through exercise or dieting and it’s just not coming off?

If so then this blog post is especially for you. I’m going to explain why this is happening and exactly how to fix it…

This will work if you are fat and want to be lean and also if you are already lean but want to get ripped!

Should You Eat Little & Often If You Have Type 2 Diabetes?

This blog post is in response to a blog reader who asked “I’m Type 2 diabetic and have been told to eat little but often. Is your system right for me?”

If you have type 2 diabetes OR insulin resistance (if you have a fat gut you most likely DO have insulin resistance) then your body is making too much insulin because your insulin feedback system is damaged…

Left uncorrected this can lead to type one diabetes where your pancreas will no longer produce insulin and you are screwed and will have to inject insulin for the rest of your life..

Let me tell you how to fix it…