What To Do If The Fat Is Just Not Coming Off!!

Are you trying to lose body fat through exercise or dieting and it’s just not coming off?

If so then this blog post is especially for you. I’m going to explain why this is happening and exactly how to fix it…

This will work if you are fat and want to be lean and also if you are already lean but want to get ripped!

Should You Eat Little & Often If You Have Type 2 Diabetes?

This blog post is in response to a blog reader who asked “I’m Type 2 diabetic and have been told to eat little but often. Is your system right for me?”

If you have type 2 diabetes OR insulin resistance (if you have a fat gut you most likely DO have insulin resistance) then your body is making too much insulin because your insulin feedback system is damaged…

Left uncorrected this can lead to type one diabetes where your pancreas will no longer produce insulin and you are screwed and will have to inject insulin for the rest of your life..

Let me tell you how to fix it…

How To Combat The Viruses (and any other illness!!)

If you are concerned about getting viruses or any other illness then you should watch this video immediately

If you have already contracted a virus or any other illness then I will give you clear instructions on what to do next

Do not keep watching the news and worrying about your health… instead watch my video and fix your health

Is Skipping Breakfast Intermittent Fasting?

If you are skipping breakfast in an effort to lose body fat the you should check out this information immediately..

Whilst we are on the subject we’ll also look at the mainstream intermittent fasting practise of fasting for 16 hours and having an 8 hour eating window

Is it effective or are you just wasting your time and potentially damaging your chances of fat loss?

How To Keep Fat Off Once You Are Lean

One of the biggest challenges that people face if they ever get lean… Is how to STAY lean and keep the fat off?

Instead of messing around with complicated diet programs or paying out ridiculous amounts of money to take part in a diet program, weight watchers group, slim fast etc… Do this instead..

Staying lean, healthy and strong is hideously easy when you follow the Warrior Network protocol

I’ll explain exactly how you can stay lean year round effortlessly in this video…

Is It OK To Drink Plain Water When Fasting For Fat Loss?

If anyone has told you to drink plain water whilst you are fasting OR told you to drink litres of water per day then STOP doing that immediately!

Doing this stupid, dangerous practice will possibly do you damage.. and will not help you remain optimal whilst fasting and burning off fat

You can even DIE from drinking too much water.. This blog post explains why