What to Do If You Are a Fat, Wobbly Woman to Get Slender & Sexy Again

If you’re a woman and you look in the mirror and see a fat, wobbly, cellulite ridden, saggy, horrible, unattractive, unsexy, disgusting body then this video is going to help you… And if that offends you then I’m glad!

Because I want to offend you so that you do something about it and transform into a slender, sexy, attractive, youthful woman full of vitality, just like you used to be..

How to Feel AMAZING When Fasting!!

In the last post I gave you IRON CLAD PROOF that fasting for longer than 24 hours is OK… but is it true that whilst fasting you might feel faint, weak or light headed?

Yes its possible… AND there is a way to fix that and make sure that you feel AMAZING when fasting

Is It OK to Fast For Longer Than 24 Hours?

If you are wondering if it’s ok to fast for longer than 24 hours then this blog post will give you a definite answer!

Fasting has many benefits besides fat burning… But is it going to harm you if you go beyond a full day of no eating… will you become weak and useless… or worse…

Don’t Let The Scales Beat You Up When You Weigh Yourself!

Are you getting frustrated when you weigh yourself and see your weight sometimes going UP day to day even though you are dieting and doing the things you should be to lose weight?

If so then this post is for you!

It’s time to STOP your scales causing you frustration because there is a much better way to track your progress…