How To Safely Break A Longer Fast (72 hours +)

If you are fasting for longer than 72 hours then one of the most important things to remember is to refeed SAFELY

Do not just chuck down a load of food thinking that your body is immediately going to be able to digest it all as it would do normally..

Instead you must use your head and be sensible when refeeding

I’m going to explain why and how I refed after my 8 day fast I’ve just completed…

The Powerful Life Changing Benefits of Fasting

In this post you are going to learn some of the powerful benefits of fasting..

Fasting is actually easy and just to prove that you can do it I’m recording this particular video whilst I am on day 7 of a fast myself

I’m already lean and if I can easily make it this far into a fast then you can do the same… especially if you are fat

Watch the video now to learn the benefits of fasting…

Is It Safe To Fast For Longer Than 72 Hours?

In this post I will show you if its ok to fast for longer than 72 hours

At Warrior Network we recommend for fat people to fast for 48-72 hours and then have a refeed, there may be times however when you wish to fast for longer (especially if fasting for healing, immune system renewal and extreme super fast fat loss)

If you are concerned about the potential effects of fasting for longer than 72 hours then check this out..

What To Do If You Can’t Seem To Lose Belly Fat!

If you are frustrated because you seem to be unable to get rid of your belly fat then fear not… This blog post will help you to solve that

There are some specific reasons for belly fat accumulation that you need to understand…

Especially when it comes to getting it off

I’m going to share with you exactly how I effortlessly got rid of all my belly fat and became ripped and healthy..

How Fasting Will Help With Heartburn / Acid Reflux

If you are experiencing problems with heartburn (acid reflux) then fasting can help

This post will explain why you are having this issue and how by taking over the counter antacid tablets will actually make the problem worse and cause you other issues

Do not buy any more medications for heartburn until you have seen this..

When Is The Best Time To Exercise?

In this blog post we’re going to talk about the best time to do your exercise… Not only for fat loss purposes but also for general health benefits

If you are following the Warrior Network protocol then you should be doing both walking and muscle resistance exercise

Not only will this help you to lose all of your excess body fat there is a whole list of other health benefits

The right timing will get you the best results… Learn more here…